Water Sector

Acquired habits and new solutions

At the end of 2019, researchers in the Behavioural Knowledge project, part of the Water Quality Impulse, invited Water Authority staff members to a workshop. Objective: let them experience all that behavioural change involves. Because ensuring good water quality also calls for behavioural adjustments in water management. These might for instance be prompted by the availability of new techniques and tools that change water-quality management. KWR is focussing on the pharmaceuticals chain in this project.

Acquired habits and new solutions

At the end of 2019, researchers in the Behavioural Knowledge project, part of the Water Quality Impulse, invited Water Authority staff members to a workshop. Objective: let them experience all that behavioural change involves. Because ensuring good water quality also calls for behavioural adjustment...

  • kennisimpulswaterkwaliteit.nl
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