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Opening of Power-to-Protein Installation
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The Power-to-Protein concept offers the possibility of producing protein suitable for consumption from resources recovered from wastewater. An attractive solution, which contributes to solving food problems and to promoting a circular economy, in which everything can be considered a resource and nothing is thoughtlessly discarded.
Waterboards, business and knowledge organisations have launched this Power-to-Protein pilot which will show that the concept’s promise is real. Avecom, AEB Amsterdam, Barentz Animal Nutrition, KWR Watercycle Research Institute and the Drents Overijsselse Delta, Rijn and Ijssel, Zuiderzeeland, Vechtstromen waterboards, as well as Waternet are all collaborating closely to make the project a success. The research is co-financed by the TKI Water Technology programme and the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
You can register (before 22 March) by emailing communicatie@vechtstromen.nl