

Public Design for Water Conference

Event details

  • Date
    17 Jun 2025
  • Time
    9:30 – 17:00
  • cost
    195 (ex. taxes)
  • Contact

Design power for the water transition

Water is essential for humans and nature, and it is intimately related with systems such as land, food, energy and ecosystems where major developments are in progress. Safeguarding the value of water in the context of these developments is not straightforward and it requires a transformation of paradigms, structures, institutions, action perspectives and practices. A design approach creates the space to search for innovation in thought, action and organisation. Public Design for Water will focus on research and design relating to the how of the water transition.

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We cordially invite you to join us at KWR (Nieuwegein) on 17 June 2025 to immerse yourself in thinking, doing and experiencing the power of design for collective water challenges.  The day will acquire a unique character by creating space for in-depth conversations and transformative learning in these three tracks. We will go into depth with leading scientists and designers and share success stories and lessons from Public Design practice. But we will also experience how we can work with (inner) value conflicts by drawing on stimulating creative concepts and conversations.  When we make explicit what is ‘invisible’ in our culture – such as dominant ways of thinking, structures, norms and practices – we can reflect together and develop transformative action.

We invite scientists, artists, designers, water utilities, civil servants, NGOs and businesses to join us in the conversation and share experiences about the how of the water transition. Together we are building the water-wise society.

Public Design for Water Conference: three tracks


In the thinking track, we will learn about the latest theories and methods to understand transitions and transformations, or to initiate interventions in complex systems. The field that works on design approaches for transitions, transformations and systemic change would currently seem to be very fragmented, and scientific consensus will also help practice as well. In this track, scientists will exchange ideas, concepts, methods and empirical insights on the how of the water transition and reflect on the research agenda for the years to come.
For the ‘Thinking’ track, we invite researchers to give a scientific presentation (in English). The call for presentations is now open. Send your abstract to Jan Starke, researcher in ‘public design for the water transition,’ at by March 15, 2025. For more information, visit: Public Design for Water Call for Scientific Presentations.

The working language for this track will be English.


In the experience track, designers and artists will take participants through transformative experiences. Learning is essential for change, and confrontation with the (simulated) failure of existing paradigms or making value conflicts explicit can lead to both surprise and wonder. In this way, we will create space for understanding the other perspective, reformulating the challenges and designing creative solutions. We cannot avoid questioning our own conduct and essential values if we wish to move ahead in the water transition. Our rational side is one tool for transformation but our inner emotional world is also home to a lot of information that can point us in the right direction and warn us about a dangerous turn. What are the fears that hold us (as administrators) back? Which temptations are too great to resist?

The working language in this track is Dutch.


In the action track, we will show how a design approach can lead to actual transformation. In this track, success stories will be presented and professionals working in practice, scientists and designers will describe the barriers (systemic and otherwise) that they have overcome collectively or still see ahead. Professionals will share experiences about how their concrete approaches to the abstractions of a design approach, such as being reflexive, iterative approaches, and working inclusively and collaboratively. How can we create space for transformative learning and the (re)design of practices? How do practice innovators deal with implementing new philosophies, practices or innovations when existing institutional structures tend to reproduce themselves? Which action perspectives, strategies and skills can help us to break down and abandon the structures and situations we want to move away from?

The working language in this track is Dutch.

More information will be given during the course of the year.