

Webinar series Weather Extremes and the Water Sector – Alternative sources: sufficient freshwater for all users

Event details

Between 21 May and 10 December 2021, seven interactive sessions will be held on weather extremes. We will be going on a voyage together during this series: from climate adaptation in the city, to the impact of drought and salinisation, to the quest for alternative sources and the construction of smart new buildings. Together, we will examine issues like the weighing of interests and how one makes choices as a water manager.

The webinars take place on Fridays from 09:00 – 10:00.

  • 15 October – Alternative sources: sufficient freshwater for all users, by Ruud Bartholomeus
  • 12 November – Greenfield: smart new buildings, by Marcel Paalman

Click here for more information and the complete programme.