

Workshop: ‘Grey dune restoration by reactivating small-scale dynamics’

Event details

Within the framework of the Programmatic Approach Nitrogen (PAS), many measures will be implemented in the coming years for the reactivation of blowouts for the conservation and restoration of Grey dunes. Over 2014-2017, research has been carried out to gain a better understanding of the impact of small-scale erosion on the integrity of Grey dunes. This research involves the joint research programme (DPWE) of the dune water companies (PWN, Waternet, Dunea and Evides) and the Dutch OBN Knowledge Network for Nature Restoration and Management programme. The work focuses on the aeolian and ecological aspects of small-scale erosion, and produces recommendations for management and restoration practices. The outcomes of this research are important for nature managers who carry out the (re)activation measures, and for provincial officials who are active in the implementation of the PAS and Natura 2000. The workshop has three objectives:

  1. Present interim results of the ongoing research, so that new insights can quickly find their way to practice.
  2. Sound out what issues are relevant with regard to the planning and implementation of the reactivation of blowouts.
  3. Reflect on the overarching monitoring of reactivation blowouts, with the aim of gaining efficient insights into the effectiveness of (re)activation measures.