
Continuous Biofilm Monitor ready for use

This week KWR and Milispec launched the Continuous Biofilm Monitor (CBM) at the Aqua Nederland Vakbeurs. The CBM makes it possible to determine both the biofilm-formation (growth) and the biomass-accumulation (adsorption) properties of water, using a single monitor on a semi-continuous basis (every two weeks). Following years of development, the CBM can now be widely used.

Microbial (re)growth in water can lead to problems like clogging, water-quality deterioration or the spreading of pathogens. KWR and Milispec have developed the CBM to make it possible to detect and monitor such problems at an early stage. The CBM consists of columns containing glass beads and glass panes, over which the water flows continuously. Microorganisms from the water attach themselves to and grow on the glass surface, thus forming a biofilm. Because of the difference in flow conditions, the biomass adsorption on the glass panes is limited, while the biofouling on the beads occurs as a consequence of both biomass growth and biomass adsorption. The difference between the panes and the beads makes the contribution of each of the two processes clear.

Countering clogging and contamination

The CBM is particularly interesting for entities that regularly have to face (microbial) clogging of pipes or drainage systems, water contamination and the accumulation of potential pathogens. The CBM can help determine whether the water needs to undergo additional treatment, or whether the existing treatment processes need to be modified, and to further optimise storage and transport systems.
