
Emile Cornelissen: visiting professor at the University of Ghent

Innovative drinking water research through collaboration

KWR researcher Emile Cornelissen has been appointed as visiting professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium) in order to strengthen Flemish-Dutch collaboration with regard to drinking water research. His work is focussed on innovative insights, improving separation processes, savings on energy and chemicals and the recovery of raw materials.

Strengthened collaboration

Professor Cornelissen will undertake applied scientific research into physical separation processes for drinking water and waste water treatment, with a focus on membrane processes. His appointment strengthens the collaboration between KWR and the University of Ghent, and in a broader framework the Flemish-Dutch collaboration in the field of drinking water research that was launched earlier this year between De Watergroep, the University of Ghent and KWR. From the end of 2017 Cornelissen will be spending one day per week in the Particle and Interfacial Technology (PaInt) department of Professor Arne Verliefde at the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering. Cornelissen will also form part of CAPTURE, the new initiative relating to raw material reuse.

New insights and innovation

Water purification research specifically focuses on making separation processes more robust and efficient, savings on energy and chemicals and the recovery of raw materials, on both large scale and decentralised levels. New – sometimes fundamental – insights are required that result in innovative changes to the process design or operation.

Cornelissen’s work focuses on searching for innovative solutions by utilising synergistic combinations of existing and new purification processes. This involves experimental and model-based research into the separation of particles, organic matter and salts, and the recovery of useful raw materials.
