
Focus on tackling water challenges and educating young water professionals

Hogeschool Utrecht en KWR versterken hun samenwerking in onderzoek en onderwijs

HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht (HU) and KWR today signed a collaboration agreement for the appointment of a special lector. The lector’s task will include the conduct of (practice-oriented) research in the field of water quality, water quantity and water treatment. The two institutions also wish to contribute to the education of the young professionals that the water sector needs.

Since many people in the water sector will be taking their retirement in the upcoming years there is a pressing need for new staff members. To get more young people interested in the water sector, HU and KWR are developing an education and research programme around practice-oriented water issues, which includes a minor in water technology..

Image 1. Signing of the KWR and HU Memorandum of Understanding. From left to right: Wilma Scholte op Reimer (President of the Executive Board, HU University of Applied Sciences Utrecht), Mariëlle van der Zouwen (Chief Executive Officer, KWR) and Roberta Hofman (Principal Scientist, KWR).

Practice-oriented education and research

During the course of this minor, students will work under the leadership of the special lector on solutions to practice-oriented research questions proposed by KWR, such as new demonstration set-ups for the treatment of water. In doing so, they will be supervised by HU lecturer-researchers and members of KWR staff.

Building upon ongoing collaboration

The new agreement will build upon an ongoing collaboration between HU and KWR. Since January 2023, KWR’s Roberta Hofman-Caris has been seconded to HU.

Accelerated solution for water challenges

Wilma Scholte op Reimer, President of the Executive Board of HU, stressed the importance of this collaboration: ‘I am delighted to further consolidate our collaboration with an envisaged special lector for the subject of water, because I am convinced that through the collaboration of our eager students with experienced researchers from KWR, and by making use of our dedicated researchers and facilities, we can accelerate the realisation of innovative solutions to challenging water issues, such as having sufficient clean water.’

The future in the here and now

KWR’s Chief Executive Officer, Mariëlle van der Zouwen, is also enthusiastic: ‘HU and KWR share a love for the practice and for the development of people. This has become apparent to us over the past two years of working together. I look forward to carrying out joint research aimed at breathing further life into the values of water for humans and the environment. The HU students connect the here and now with the future: it is they who will also work on a healthy and sustainable society after 2050. By combining our forces, we can bring that time forward and work now on building a water-wise future.’

About HU and KWR

HU educates young professionals for the jobs of the future, and works together with students, lecturers, practice-oriented researchers and the workfield on mission-driven issues. In the process, one of the focusses is on the creation of an inclusive, sustainable and healthy living environment, with particular attention to water, food, sport and movement. An important priority is the ambition of contributing to circular drinking water, addressing precipitation shortages and surpluses, and tackling heat stress within the framework of climate adaptation. By creating rich learning environments, we educate the professionals of the future and contribute to an inclusive, sustainable and healthy living environment.

KWR Water Research Institute in Nieuwegein contributes to a water-wise society through applied scientific research. Water has a key role in a thriving society. It connects sectors such as energy, food supply, nature and health, and is an important starting point for sustainable solutions. The institute applies the latest water expertise as it builds upon a solid knowledge base of more than 50 years of water science. Based on the motto of ‘bridging science to practice’, KWR professionals work together with stakeholders from the water world, administration, industry, agriculture, nature management, research organisations, and society. In doing so, they focus on the themes of water quality and health, freshwater resources management, public design for water, resource recovery and circular systems, matching water demand and supply in the water cycle, nature-inclusive water management and biodiversity, the energy transition and digital water.

In the months ahead, the two organisations will develop concrete plans of action aimed at further shaping the collaboration and launching the first joint projects.

Image 2. An HU delegation visited KWR for the ceremonial signing.

14 March Water Gala

If you are interested in the subject, you still have time to register for the Water Gala, an HU and New Scientist initiative, which also counts on the participation of KWR and other partners from the water sector: Gala van Water – Hogeschool Utrecht x New Scientist | Hogeschool Utrecht

For more information on this collaboration, you can contact Idsart Dijkstra, Roberta Hofman-Caris (KWR) or Michiel van der Stelt, Programme Manager, Sustainability, at HU.
