
Ruud Bartholomeus appointed special professor Plant Water Stress and Regional Water Management (WUR)

Development and application of knowledge for regional freshwater availability

Ruud Bartholomeus, Principal Scientist of the Ecohydrology team and Chief Science Officer at KWR, was appointed special professor Plant Water Stress and Regional Water Management at Wageningen University & Research (WUR), effective 1 July 2024. His research focuses on generating more knowledge about responsible water use, which involves analyses of both water management and water use in different sectors. He researches how measures affect the availability of water for plants in nature as well as for agricultural crops.

The alignment of the regional freshwater demand and supply is at the centre of Bartholomeus’s work. He combines scientific knowledge, system insight and technological solutions, so that policy-makers, water managers, drinking water utilities, industry, agriculture and nature conservationists can work together on sustainable regional freshwater availability.

Growing pressure on water availability

Even in areas with annual precipitation surpluses, drought is exerting growing pressure on the availability of water in agriculture as well as in nature. Bartholomeus warns: ‘We’re witnessing an increasing pressure on the availability of water of high quality, for example, for the production of drinking water. Only a small portion of the groundwater can be used sustainably without having negative consequences, for instance on nature. Climate change enhances the extremes of drought and moisture, while today’s organisation of the rural area and the increased water demand call for a structural redesign of the water system and the use of freshwater sources.’

Supporting practice through research

Bartholomeus strives in his work to realise a robust freshwater provision, and is constantly on the look-out for collaborations with partners in research, practice and policy. Societal impact and the implementation of scientific research are central to this effort. He participates actively in the public debate, supervises PhD candidates, initiates Dutch Research Council (NOW) proposals, and supports practice with his research. Since 2017, he has been visiting researcher at WUR. The special professorship will provide an even stronger bridge between scientific insights and society, building upon the existing network of scientific partners at KWR and WUR.

Various roles

Bartholomeus fulfils different roles in the field of water availability. As Chief Science Officer, a function he shares with toxicologist Milou Dingemans, he is chair of KWR’s Scientific Council. One of this council’s core tasks is the quality assurance of research conducted at KWR. In addition, he is chair of the Netherlands Hydrological Society (NHV), member of the Expert Network on Freshwater and Drought (ENZD – Delta Programme), and member of the Blue Route core team within the Dutch National Research Agenda (NWA).
