KWR generates knowledge about compounds and particles in water. For this, we apply analytical methods, biological tests, models and databases. Our research provides answers to questions about the presence and behaviour of compounds, and the potential risks for humans and the environment. This knowledge provides solution paths for water-quality and environmental issues.

Detecting and identifying contaminants

KWR annually analyses a variety of matrices, including water, soil and sediment. We develop analytical methods aiming at more rapid, precise and extensive measurement. Our methods allow us to identify known compounds at very low concentrations. We continually improve these targeted analyses and also focus on compounds that are difficult to measure, such as breakdown products and polar compounds. In addition, we look at nanoparticles and microplastics. We can conduct screening and thus identify yet unknown contaminants using non-target or suspect analyses. The yet unknown compounds are then identified as best as possible. Our expertise in emerging contaminants assists in the early detection of new risks for humans and the environment.

Assessing risks for humans and the environment

KWR uses an advanced approach to investigate the possible risks of compounds for humans and the environment. We combine chemical measurements, bioassays and computer models for an in-depth analysis. Bioassays reveal not only the mode of action of compounds, but also the risks of mixtures. We provide a complete picture of the water quality, as well as specific advice concerning public health and the environment.

Monitoring water quality and analysing data

For purposes of good water management, we assist in the establishment of smart water-quality monitoring plans. By using the right sensors and developing targeted algorithms, it is possible to extract the maximum amount of information from the data. By doing this online, the information is immediately available for use by managers in their process management and clients for information purposes. We thus combine existing data from within and outside the water sector to provide more insight into the processes. We also test and validate new measurement technologies for implementation in the water sector.
