Xander Becking MSc

Xander Becking MSc

  • PhD candidate
  • 030-6069756
  • xander.becking@kwrwater.nl
  • 06-21704402

Xander Becking works as a PhD researcher in the Chemical Water Quality and Health team and has been assigned to the ‘WaterpatRoon’ project. He obtained his master’s degree in Analytical Chemistry from the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit in August 2024 after his graduation internship at The Water Laboratory. During his studies, he specialised in chemometrics/cheminformatics, especially related to chromatography and mass spectrometry. In the WaterpatRoon project, Xander focuses, on the one hand, on improving quality control and quality assurance that allows better comparison of datasets from different years and between different laboratories. On the other hand, the project aims to make NTS techniques more accessible to laboratories via the WaterpatRoon software platform.