
Electrochemical treatment processes

Electrochemical treatment processes present various advantages compared to conventional treatment processes. By gaining experience with a single, promising electrochemical method in a relevant water composition (with a focus on its effectiveness and up-scalability), the possible full-scale application of this process will be ascertained.

The potential of electro-chemical treatment processes

Electrochemical treatment processes, such as electrocoagulation/-flocculation, electrooxidation, the use of electrically conductive membranes, and ion removal through capacitive deionisation, have in recent years shown promising results at lab and pilot scales. When compared to conventional processes, these electrochemical ones present various potential advantages, such as lower energy and chemical consumption, reduced sludge formation in coagulation, degradation of problem substances, and the combination of several treatment processes in a single process step.

Exploration of practical implementability

Electrochemical processes show promising results for water types that are used to directly produce drinking water, as well as for the treatment of more complex water types such as concentrate streams. The present project will study the feasibility of one promising electrochemical treatment process in lab-scale experiments for the treatment of specific problem substances.

From overview to insight

This research will determine the current state of development of various electrochemical treatment processes. This will provide important knowledge about (new) treatment techniques to the treatment technologists at drinking water utilities. The potential and practical implementability of one of these methods, with regard to the removal of problem substances, will be determined by means of a field trial.