
Green energy for all: how hydrogen and electricity carry our future

In their book, Groene energie voor iedereen. Hoe waterstof en elektriciteit onze toekomst dragen, which is also published in English as Green energy for all. How hydrogen and electricity carry our future, authors Ad van Wijk, Els van der Roest and Jos Boere see that it is possible to make green energy affordable and accessible worldwide. This visionary work provides an in-depth analysis of the technological, economic and societal changes that are necessary to create a future in which everyone benefits from sustainable energy sources.

A.J.M. van Wijk, J.A. Boere, E. van der Roest – Green energy for all. How hydrogen and electricity carry our future/ Groene energie voor iedereen. Hoe waterstof en elektriciteit onze toekomst dragen (2023) – DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8207551 – ISBN: 9789082763720

Future energy provision for a sustainable world

Ad van Wijk, emeritus professor of Future Energy Systems at Delft University of Technology, stresses that green energy is no pipe dream, but an achievable and necessary step in addressing climate change. The book presents an integrated approach to sustainable energy production, with the transport and storage of energy, so that everyone can use affordable clean energy at the right place and time. This involves a large complementary role for zero-carbon energy carriers like hydrogen and electricity. The book shows not only how we can produce energy without emitting CO2, but also how this energy can be distributed fairly worldwide.. 

Hydrogen at lynchpin in the energy system

An important theme in Green Energy for All is the role of green hydrogen in a future energy system. With hydrogen, you can transport green energy cost-efficiently around the world, and store it on a large scale over the long term.  Hydrogen also plays a crucial role in balancing demand and supply in an electricity system that is based on renewable sources. Van Wijk argues that, with hydrogen, cheap sustainable energy can be transported cost-efficiently from areas with big surpluses to areas with shortfalls. In this way, clean, sustainable energy can be delivered affordably and reliably to everyone.

Route towards clean energy, water, materials and food

The title, Green energy for all, refers to the idea that green energy is not only a solution for the wealthy parts of the world, but can also help developing countries gain access to clean energy. In the book the authors discuss the need for investments in infrastructure and technology, and how international collaboration can accelerate the transition to green energy worldwide. The authors call for a broader view of energy systems, as components of an integrated, global system for the supply of clean energy, water, sustainable materials and food.

Interactive world solar energy map

Green energy for all is accessibly written with a view to reaching a broad public. Els van der Roest, former researcher at KWR, contributed to the creation of the book’s unique illustrations. These include for example a world map that shows the annual surplus or shortfall of solar energy by square kilometre, in relation to the energy use in the year 2100. This map reveals that shortfalls will occur primarily in heavily populated areas, while surpluses are expected in areas with few inhabitants. The map also shows that in agrarian, nature, mountainous and forested areas, the possibilities for solar energy are limited. This map can be seen online via an interactive heatmap.

World map (heatmap) showing the annual surplus or shortfall of solar energy per square kilometre, in relation to the energy use in the year 2100, via an interactive heatmap.

Download the book

The Groene energie voor iedereen book can be downloaded free via the KWR website KWR. The initiators behind the book’s creation are KWR, Hysolar, Hydrogen Europe and Dii Desert Energy. 

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