Over the last two years, the Hydroinformatics Platform has developed into a highly valued means of knowledge sharing. Moreover, theme-transcending research concerning data validation has been conducted through the platform. With the present project, the mechanisms already built for knowledge sharing will be further developed in 2020. In addition, greater emphasis will be placed on the search for connections with the themes of the Joint Research Programme of KWR and the water utilities, the non-thematic components of the Joint Research Programme, and with its WiCE initiative.

Vision and framework

A hydroinformatics and smart water management vision has been defined by the Hydroinformatics Platform for the Joint Research Programme water utilities (Van den Broeke et al., 2019). This was discussed at a workshop with Platform and CO members. A framework was then created with a view to further organising and shaping the HI research within the context of the Joint Research Programme.

Activities and working method in 2020

With the present project, the mechanisms already built for knowledge sharing will be further developed in 2020. In addition, greater emphasis will be placed on the search for connections with the themes of the Joint Research Programme of KWR and the water utilities, the non-thematic components of the Joint Research Programme, and with its WiCE initiative. Concretely, this involves the organisation of assemblies and knowledge-sharing meetings in the field of hydroinformatics, the coordination and facilitation of the formulation and supervision of research projects under the Hydroinformatics Platform banner, and providing presentations in consultation with the Joint Research Programme’s theme groups.

Changes compared to 2018 and 2019

The approach involves a few changes compared to the one followed over the last couple of years:

  • division of meetings into two parts: assembly (process and project supervision; open to delegates of water utilities in the Platform), and knowledge sharing (presentations by Joint Research Programme water utilities, KWR and external parties; open to all interested Joint Research Programme water-utility employees);
  • presentations in Joint Research Programme and WiCE theme group meetings, and the presentation within the Platform of relevant presentations from these meetings; the point is to improve connections by stimulating input in project formulation and more intensive collaboration.