
Industry Water Network Group

Through the Industry Water Network Group , KWR provides industrial partners a platform in which they can make and maintain contacts, and share and transfer knowledge.

Diverse participants

The Network Group consists of companies in the (petro)chemical sector, the food sector as well as energy and utility providers. Participation is open to all industrial end-users, but also energy and utility providers. The annual membership fee is € 2,750. New participants from (chemical) companies and utilities are always welcome!

Meetings with valuable network

Our participants have assured access to three exclusive morning meetings of the Industry Water Network Group, where they gather with members of a valuable network of industrial end-users. They can also participate for free in three KWR theme afternoons (workshops/seminars), which are focused on the presentation of applied scientific research and case studies from practice. One of their colleagues can also attend these for free. The Network Group’s meetings address current developments in technology, research, legislation and Europe, for instance. The participating companies present their activities relating to water, and discuss any issues they encounter.

Consulting support

Participating companies also benefit from eight consulting hours from one or more KWR experts to help answer their specific water-related questions.


If you’d like to participate in the Industry Water Network Group, please register by completing this form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

Registration Netwerkgroep Industriewater

If you’d like to participate in the Industry Water Network Group, please register by completing this form. We will then contact you as soon as possible.

  • Company name
  • E-mail address
  • Phone number
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.