
MOMENTUM – Study of the effects of micro- en nanoplastics on health

Micro- and nanoplastic particles (MNPs) have, as a result of plastic use and pollution, been found everywhere, both in the environment and in the human body. The Netherlands plays a leading role in research into MNPs and the potential effects on human health. In MOMENTUM, KWR is developing methods for analysing and assessing  MNPs and the associated risks in close collaboration with universities and other research institutes. The knowledge acquired in MOMENTUM will contribute to a sound integrated approach for predicting and preventing possible effects on health resulting from exposure to MNPs.

Effects of MNP on health unclear

MNPs released into the environment as a result of plastic pollution are taken up by organisms, including humans. They are small particles that are used intentionally (primary plastic particles) or that are created by the use and degradation of plastic products (secondary plastic particles). These plastics can then enter the environment and the human body, potentially posing a health risk. However, the possible effects on health are still unclear. In addition, pathogenic micro-organisms and antibiotic-resistant bacteria and can grow on MNPs, and this also involves a health risk.

Joint research into the possible effects of MNPs on health

Uncertainty about the effects of MNPs on health is a major difficulty for risk assessment. The Netherlands plays a leading role in research into MNPs and the potential effects on human health. Working with other knowledge institutes and private sector organisations, KWR  KWR took a step forward in a three-year study of MNPs and the possible health effects in the Microplastics and Human Health Consortium: MOMENTUM. This project has now been expanded in order to provide a preliminary risk assessment for human health and develop appropriate pathways to solutions. The KWR contribution to this study consists mainly of measurements in biological tissues, microbiological threats, toxicological risk assessment and societal solutions to reduce the spread of MNP in the environment, and human and environmental exposure.

Integrated approach to understanding and preventing the impact of MNPs on health

Many parties urgently need knowledge, not only from industries that produce and process plastic and that are working towards a circular economy, but also from organisations responsible for water, air and food quality. The knowledge acquired in MOMENTUM will contribute to a sound integrated approach for predicting and preventing possible effects on health resulting from exposure to MNPs.


MOMENTUM was made possible by ZonMW, as part of the programme: Microplastics & Health and Health~Holland, Life Sciences & Health Top Sector.