
Power-to-X Province of Utrecht

The energy system of the Netherlands must become clean and future-proof, but also remain reliable and affordable. Local production of sustainable solar or wind energy will play an important part in this effort. In order to accelerate the energy transition it is important to think locally about the more effective use and storage of available energy, and thus provide for seasonal bridging and reduced energy transport.

Power-to-X takes an area-focused, integrated, energy-system approach, based on the concept of ‘local generation, use and storage’. To research the possible implementation of the Power-to-X approach, a three-case pilot will be set up with the Province of Utrecht’s ‘Goederenvervoer’ (Goods Transport) programme. Energy use in goods transport (mobility) will be a key element in the energy system in at least two of the three cases. Goods transport is after all a difficult sector to render more sustainable.

The elaboration of the cases for these three specific sites will produce new insights into the efficient and effective organisation of the local energy system, with a view to maximising the interconnections between different sectors and energy demands. Moreover, once elaborated, the cases will serve as showcases to inspire other actors about the possibilities of the Power-to-X concept. They will then also be able to get to work on realising a clean, affordable, reliable and future-proof energy system.

Power-to-X: a local and integrated approach to the energy transition

The energy system of the Netherlands must become clean and future-proof, but also remain reliable and affordable. Local production of sustainable solar or wind energy will play an important part in this effort. This is also reflected in the National Climate Agreement’s 35 TWh renewable energy target for our country in 2030. For the mobility sector the ambition is that in 2030 all new cars will be zero-emission, and that large-scale sustainability improvements will also have been achieved in logistics by the same year.

The organisation of a balanced energy system, in which energy is available in the right place, at the right time and in the right form, calls for an integrated approach. Important problematic areas are the capacity problems of the electricity grid, balancing issues and improving the sustainability of mobility. In order to accelerate the energy transition it is important to think locally about the more effective use and storage of available energy, and thus provide for reduced energy transport and seasonal bridging.

Power-to-X as the elaboration of area-focused, integrated system approach

Power-to-X is aimed at an area-focused elaboration of an integrated energy-system approach, based on the concept of ‘local generation, use and storage’. The Power-to-X approach can offer a solution to the problematic areas in the energy transition. It connects sectors by working with different energy carriers. The elements of the integrated Power-to-X concept include the generation of sustainable electricity, local (rain)water use, conversion of electricity (surpluses) into hydrogen or heat, use of residual heat from the electrolyzer, underground heat storage, and heat distribution through a heating network. This for instance makes possible the use of hydrogen, produced from green power, as a fuel in logistics, and the use of electric cars as batteries for solar-power surpluses, to be drawn upon when demand is high. In this manner, the Power-to-X approach dovetails with the recent developments surrounding EnergieHubs.

To research the possible implementation of the Power-to-X approach, a three-case pilot will be set up with the Province of Utrecht. This could involve a (residential) neighbourhood or an industrial/business site, for example. Since the research was initiated by the Province of Utrecht’s ‘Goederenvervoer’ (Goods Transport) programme, in at least two of the three cases attention will be directed at sustainable goods transport. This sector is after all difficult to render more sustainable, because of the narrow margins and the high demands made of the vehicles used. It is also important that the three selected cases be essentially different from one another, so as to demonstrate the range of possibilities offered by the Power-to-X approach.

Een integraal energie en watersysteem door middel van de Power-to-X-aanpak

An integrated energy and water system using the Power-to-X approach.

Selection and elaboration of three cases

A longlist of potential cases will be compiled jointly with the Province of Utrecht. A quick scan will then be conducted of the longlist to study the potential of the Power-to-X concept for each of the listed cases. This will involve looking at factors like the local generation of renewable energy, chances for the integration of energy and water demand, and the involvement of local actors. This will result in the selection of three cases in the Province of Utrecht. For these three cases a design sketch will be made of what the Power-to-X concept might look like locally: think for instance of chances for energy exchange, chances for heat, electricity, hydrogen and water, optimisation of the local energy system, CO2 reduction, cost-savings and the connection of sectors with differing energy demands.

Outcomes and follow-up

The elaboration of the cases for these three sites will produce new insights into the efficient and effective organisation of the local energy system, with a view to maximising the interconnections between different sectors and energy demands. We will also explore which steps and actors will be required in order to bring closer the implementation of the results at the three sites.

The elaborated cases will moreover serve as showcases to inspire other actors about the possibilities of integrated energy systems. With this in mind, after the three cases have been presented and evaluated, knowledge sharing with the other participants on the longlist will take centre stage. This could also inspire them and prepare them for the transition to a clean, affordable, reliable and future-proof energy system.