
Applicability of German climate research to the Dutch situation – phase 1

There is a lot of high-value knowledge available in Germany on climate change, water management, and the spatial organisation of urban and rural areas. This knowledge was developed within Klimzug, the German equivalent to the Dutch Knowledge for Climate programme ( An initial analysis of the Klimzug programme showed that the results of research done in the seven German regions appear to be very relevant for BTO’s Climate-Proof Water Sector research theme.

The objective of this project is the ‘translation’ of the key results, and associated preconditions, of the Klimzug programme in the areas of water supply, water management, nature management and urban environment to the situation in the Netherlands. We identify the success and failure factors of adaptive measures taken in Germany and draw possible lessons for the Dutch situation.

Executive summary report van het Klimzug programma. Bron: projectvoorstel

Executive summary report of the Klimzug programme

Quick-scan and translation to Dutch situation

The project is based on a phased approach. The current phase (1) consists of a quick-scan of the key research reports and the regional roadmaps of the seven Klimzug regions. We also make a well-founded proposal to the theme group for a more detailed elaboration of the Klimzug projects/products that are most relevant to the Dutch situation. The theme group prioritises the research subjects, and we then develop a plan of action for a more in-depth study (phase 2).

Phase 2 (not yet costed) depends on the outcomes of phase 1. It consists of interviews with the research coordinators in the selected Klimzug regions, with a view to discovering how the adaptation proposals work out in practice. We identify best practices and key success factors. We translate the results to the Dutch situation, and define action perspectives for the water sector. The reporting takes the form of a BTO report and an article in a trade journal.

Making high-value knowledge available to the Dutch water sector

The German Klimzug programme has developed a great deal of high-value knowledge that can directly, or after a few adjustments, be suited to the Dutch situation. With relatively little effort, this knowledge can be made available to the Dutch water sector, and to the water companies in particular. Regular feedback on the study’s progress occurs in the BTO’s Climate-Proof Water Sector theme. If the need is felt, one or more of the Klimzug coordinators will be invited to make a presentation on their experience in the area of adaptation (do’s and don’ts) to the theme group or in a wider setting.