
Water Data Management Ecosystem for Water Data Spaces

Data spaces are protected environments where participants can access, process and use data, amongst other things. With a focus on water data spaces, the EU-funded Waterverse project aims to develop a water data management ecosystem that will make data management practices and resources in the water sector accessible, affordable, secure, fair and easy to use. Waterverse will further improve the usability of data and the interoperability of data-intensive processes, therefore lowering the entry barrier to data spaces.

WATERVERSE takes a holistic, interdisciplinary approach in the water domain, blending together complementary competencies of 17 partners located in 10 EU countries, representing the water domain with Research organisations (including social sciences experts), water utilities, water domain technology providers and innovation companies, as well as the technical community that is driving the development of data spaces, thus increasing the resilience of the water sector and water utilities, as a whole.