Aqua Research Collaboration (ARC)

Bringing knowledge parties together sustainably for soundly based projects

ARC is a European collaboration of public knowledge parties that brings different water sector players together in a sustainable structure. KWR is a founding member of ARC together with four other leading European institutes. By strengthening the knowledge base, ARC’s activities should help the European water sector build a common basis with a view to European policy.

ARC: European collaboration of public knowledge parties

ARC is a European collaboration of public knowledge parties aimed at bringing different water sector players together in a sustainable structure. The collaboration has five founding members: applied research institutes – including KWR – from EU member states, which together represent a critical mass in intellectual and professional leadership for the water sector. The mission of ARC is to accelerate the process towards a more sustainable European water cycle.

KWR is the initiator of ARC

KWR took the initiative to set up ARC. Our partners in the collaboration are leading research institutes dedicated to the water cycle: SINTEF/NTU (Norway), IWW (Germany), CETaqua (Spain) and LNEC (Portugal). Together, we harmonise research agendas for soundly based projects.

ARC follows three lines in developing and implementing programmes and projects:

  • A European research programme for the water cycle.
  • Programmes for the implementation of innovations in cooperation with waterboards, authorities and technology suppliers.
  • Projects in the area of capacity building, together with local and regional water cycle institutes.

Common basis for European policy

Thanks to ARC, the water cycle parties witness a strengthening of their knowledge base. Structural collaboration between leading knowledge institutes leads to harmonised research agendas and facilitates joint research. End-users are supported in the implementation of knowledge. Moreover, a good infrastructure means that the knowledge is also available to other European member states. All in all, the activities of ARC should help the European water sector build a common basis with a view to European policy.
