Innovative water treatment

Improve water quality through innovative water treatment

The treatment of drinking water and of wastewater are today carried out mostly independently of each other by different parties. In order to always have sufficient water available for all applications, it is important to take stock of which water sources (fresh and saline) are available, and what water quality is needed for which application.

By treating water from a suitable source to the required quality level, and then maximising the high-grade reuse of the water, shortages can be avoided in the future. This calls for the development of knowledge about (innovative) treatment techniques and concepts. As a consequence, among others, of climate effects and pollutants containing undesirable substances and pathogens, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find sufficient water sources with suitable water quality.  

Methods, tools and products

KWR conducts research into conventional and advanced techniques for the treatment of drinking water, industry water and wastewater. We also study how we can make treatment processes more sustainable and efficient. We develop modelling and use it to better understand processes and enable further optimisation  In addition, KWR researches the sustainable treatment of wastewater and the reuse of water and of the materials and energy it contains. We develop new concepts for wastewater treatment and sewerage systems, and study the optimal production of process water. The central focus is always on the desired water quality and a sustainable process management. 


Drinking water treatment

Recent examples of practice-oriented research projects dealing with drinking water treatment are: 


Wastewater treatment 

Current examples of hands-on research projects around wastewater are: 


Industrywater treatment

Industry often requires customised water treatment. Recent examples of practice-oriented research projects dealing with industry water treatment are: 

Do you want to know more? Please contact our experts

  • Emile Cornelissen PhD MSc
    Emile Cornelissen PhD MSc
    Senior scientific researcher
  • Roberta Hofman PhD MSc
    Roberta Hofman PhD MSc
    Principal scientist
  • Johann Poinapen PhD, FIEAust, CPEng
    Johann Poinapen PhD, FIEAust, CPEng
    Senior scientific researcher