To measure is to know

Determine which and how many microorganisms or contaminants are present in water

KWR develops methods for the whole water cycle to measure, identify, quantify and monitor microorganisms and chemical contaminants, and we also bring them to your practice.   

Armed with knowledge and many years of experience in the area of microbial and chemical analyses, we implement the optimal strategy to identify and quantify microorganisms, contaminants and their indicators – from sampling through to interpretation of analysis results. We continuously develop, test and validate new, faster and more precise tools and methods. We also dedicate ourselves to the practical application of new methods and tools and, whenever of added value, to have them incorporated into guidelines and legislation and regulations.

Detect, identify and monitor 

n our laboratories we develop, test and/or validate a variety of tools and methods to determine which microorganisms and/or chemical contaminants are present in water as quickly, precisely, completely and sensitively as possible. We use data from micro- and other organisms (such as DNA, growth conditions and/or metabolism) so as to be able to determine and monitor their presence, activity and concentration. We conduct targeted analyses of chemical contaminants, as well as a broad screenings of known and unknown contaminants, or track and research specific contaminants, such as microplastics 

Microbial biodiversity as measure of water quality

The growth and activity of microorganisms, for example in surface water or drinking water, can provide important information on the ecological quality of a water body or water system. KWR carries out analyses that produce valuable information about the ecological water quality, and its improvement or deterioration. We develop these to help determine and monitor ecological water quality 

Independent test centre for innovative environmental technology ETV 

The Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Programme of the European Commission was set up to assist in the market introduction of new, innovative environmental technologies. This programme offers an independent assessment of performance characteristics of innovative technologies. KWR’s laboratories possess the know-how and certificates to act as Test Body for the ETV programme, and can carry out tests that are part of the verification process.

Broad laboratory expertise 

The KWR laboratories offer a broad spectrum of tests and research possibilities. For more information about these test and research possibilities, visit the pages of the Microbiology Laboratory or of the Laboratory for Materials Research and Chemical Analysis.
