Energy Transitions

Water and water knowledge play an essential role in the energy transition
There is a quest all over the world to cut greenhouse gas emissions, for instance by switching to cleaner and more sustainable energy sources. In this energy transition water plays an essential role: it is the energy carrier in geothermal energy systems and heating networks, and in the heating and cooling of homes and buildings. Water is also the necessary source for sustainable, green hydrogen – an energy carrier that plays a key part in our future energy system. The integration of new infrastructure for electricity and heat into the built environment calls for the guaranteeing of a safe water provision at socially acceptable cost, without unnecessary hindrance to the energy transition.  

Applying water knowledge for the energy transition

KWR experts apply their water expertise for the energy transition. Wherever energy and water converge, we research the possibilities that new technologies and system concepts offer for energy savings, generation, storage and reuse. With KWR’s knowledge and skills we study the opportunities and problem areas concerning the safe and efficient water use in a sustainable energy system. 

We are also happy to help you and your organisation in solving issues related to the energy transition. How can we for example help you? 

The energy transition impacts the operational management, role and assets of drinking water utilities, from grid congestion and flexibility to the specific impact on drinking water assets, drinking water quality, drinking water demand, and the possible roles for drinking water utilities. Read more. 

About half of the energy consumed in the Netherlands is used for heating. The energy transition is therefore also a heat transition. And in this heat transition water plays an important role thanks to its large thermal capacity. This thermal capacity makes it possible to extract heat (and cold) from water (aquathermal energy), and to use water in the subsurface to store heat (geothermal energy). Also, about 80% of all energy consumption in the water cycle is used to heat tap water in homes and buildings – that is, precisely where energy savings are essential. Read more.

The Dutch energy system needs to be clean and future-proof, but also reliable and affordable. This entails a crucial role for the local production of sustainable solar or wind energy. The energy supply and demand mismatch increases because of the fluctuating nature of these energy sources. Electrical grid congestion is also a problem that can be addressed through the storage, transport and conversion of energy at the district, city, country or continent level. In KWR’s vision, water, hydrogen, heat and electricity are integrally interconnected in the future water and energy system. Read more.

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