Water cycle

Match water demand and supply with a fit-for-purpose water quality
All uses of water for human, societal and natural applications are part of the water cycle: from the treatment for its use as drinking water, in industry, agriculture or nature, to the discharge, sewerage system, and municipal (waste)water and industrial (waste)water treatment. Collaboration between water users and water “processors”  is crucially important for the water cycle, since drinking water utilities, public entities (like the Water Authorities), industry and agriculture all collectively face two big challenges:  

  • to match water demand and supply in time and place, and  
  • to ensure that a fit-for-purpose water quality is always available for each application.  

Our changing environment – think of climate change for instance – affects the possibilities of matching water demand and supply with a fit-for-purpose water quality. This reinforces the need to find innovative solutions together.  

KWR solutions: optimal source use, working with nature, and technological innovation

KWR develops solutions for water quality and for matching water demand and supply. To do so, we make optimal use of existing and new sources, and we work with nature – and protect it. We also develop water-technology innovations and implement them in – amongst others – treatment processes and distribution systems. From the national perspective to local solutions, from residential complex to treatment site, KWR helps you find solutions through its development work and assistance in ultimate implementation. 

Collaborating on the central and decentral closure of the water resource loop 

By closing the water resource loop, we can better withstand periods of water scarcity. The level at which we close the loop, from local to regional, influences which solutions can be used. These solutions range from existing and new sources to water-technology innovations for treatment, storage and distribution. Successful implementation can be accelerated by careful study of the opportunities and risks, and by effective mutual coordination between stakeholders, along with a shared future vision. KWR offers expertise and, thanks to independent research, well-founded support in the preparation, fine-tuning and realisation of innovations jointly with stakeholders. Let us help you find appropriate solutions in the water cycle. What issues can we tackle for you? 

  • Regardless of the circumstances, I want to make sure I have sufficient water by working with other actors and sectors in taking progressive steps towards closing the water resource loop. Then you can read more on our page about water resource loop closure.

KWR maps out the possibilities and opportunities available for closing the water cycle, locally or regionally. We research and develop technologies that make it possible to realise such a closure in a robust and safe manner. For this, we look, among others, at the treatment techniques, the recovery of resources and the distribution of water. Read more.  


The treatment of drinking water and wastewater is today carried out by independent parties, but this system is increasingly encountering limitations. The parties need to jointly take stock of and align their demand and supply, in order to have sufficient water for the desired applications. Which water sources are available and where? What water quality is needed for which application? We can treat water from suitable sources to the required quality level, and then maximise high-grade (re-)use of the water to avoid new shortages. KWR develops knowledge and (innovative) treatment techniques and concepts, from <1 to circa 5000 litres per hour. We draw on our knowledge of models to underpin concepts, to predict or optimise the effectiveness of treatment solutions, and to investigate which water streams are, or can be made, suitable for which applications. Read more. 


  • I want to make my water distribution system future-proof by improving existing infrastructure or designing replacement infrastructure. Then you can read more on our page about innovative water distribution.

Water distribution systems ensure the transport of drinking water and other water to users. A distribution system with room for water storage and a smart allocation of the water, can absorb fluctuations in water demand and supply over time and place. If the system is well designed, the water quality barely decreases during transport. In the installation of water distribution systems, greater attention needs to be paid to the increasing level of activity in the subsurface, where heating and fibre-optic networks are also installed and can affect the water distribution systems. KWR draws on knowledge of smart distribution network design, monitoring and collaboration between users of the shallow subsurface, in order to achieve robust distribution systems of and for all water users. Read more. 

Want to know more? Contact our experts

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    Water resource loop closure

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