Water Quality and Health

Safe and healthy water for humans, the living environment and nature
Safe and clean water is essential for a healthy living environment and nature. However, the quality of water is under increasing pressure. Chemical and microbiological contamination of water are caused by human activities, and climate change can also negatively impact water quality. The quality of surface and other water bodies has improved in many regards in recent years, but it is still far from meeting all European standards. Moreover, our knowledge of the threats to water quality is steadily increasing, for instance with regard to PFAS and antibiotic-resistant microbes. Steadily stricter water quality guidelines are being established for water systems and for the (re)use of water.  

Knowledge and tools for a better water quality – now and in the future

KWR research has had a strong focus on water quality and health for decades. We develop knowledge and tools with which the water sector can, now and in the future, ensure safe and healthy (drinking) water that meets the quality standards for humans and the environment. We make use of our broad knowledge base and resources, both within and outside the water sector. How can we help you? 

  • I want to know how many and which microorganisms or chemical contaminants are in the water. Please read more on the page To measure is to know 

KWR develops methods for the whole water cycle to measure, identify, quantify and monitor microorganisms and chemical substances – including viruses and volatile, highly polar or mobile compounds. In our laboratories we continuously develop new methods needed to address newly emerging challenges and issues, for example, with regard to pathogens, antimicrobial resistance, ecological indicators, PFAS or microplastics, and we also bring them to your practice. Read more.

We research which hazards and risks microbial pathogens and chemical contaminants pose to humans, animals and the environment and how these risks can be effectively mitigated. To do this, we need to know if and how many, potentially hazardous microorganisms and contaminants are present in water, and what hazards and risks they pose. With the knowledge we develop we support the (drinking) water sector, industry and government in clarifying risks associated with microorganisms and contaminants, and provide advice on how to reduce them to a safe level and improve water quality. Read more.

Most microorganisms present no risks to humans or nature indeed, some are actually capable of reducing risks and of helping us improve water quality. For example, microorganisms are known to degrade certain contaminants or reduce or eliminate pathogens. KWR researches how we can stimulate such ‘microbial helpers’ and use them in practice. Read more.


  • I want to make use of sewage data to gain insight into public health. Then read more on Wastewater research.  

Sewage as a mirror of society. Sewage contains all sorts of chemical and biological traces with relevant information about the population’s lifestyle and health, from legal pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs to infectious pathogens. Sewage surveillance for pathogens and sewage water measurements for chemical substances are still evolving – KWR has the knowledge and means to set up and roll out sewage surveillance programmes that provide answers to your questions. Read more. 

Want to know more? Contact our experts

Deze maatschappelijke opgave omvat:

  • Sewage research
    Water Quality and Health Water Quality and Health

    Sewage research

    Sewage water holds a mirror up to society: it contains all sorts of chemical and biological traces with relevant information about the population’s lifestyle and health, from legal pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs to microbial pathogens. The measurement of...

  • Using microbes for better water quality
    Water Quality and Health Water Quality and Health

    Using microbes for better water quality

    Most microorganisms present no risks to humans and nature. Some can actually help us reduce risks and improve water quality.    Various natural microorganisms are capable of degrading chemical contaminants or eliminating pathogens; new examples of this are...

  • Risks of microbial pathogens and contaminants
    Water Quality and Health Water Quality and Health

    Risks of microbial pathogens and contaminants

    In order to provide sufficient protection for humans and nature, we need to know what hazards and risks  microorganisms and contaminants present, and what is needed to improve the water quality.  By adequately controlling the health risks to...

  • To measure is to know
    Water Quality and Health Water Quality and Health

    To measure is to know

    KWR develops methods for the whole water cycle to measure, identify, quantify and monitor microorganisms and chemical contaminants, and we also bring them to your practice.    Armed with knowledge and many years of experience in the area of...